Hot Press magazine - July 2017 - U2 Croke Park Special Issue

Hot Press MAGAZINE July 2017

As U2 make their triumphant return to Croke ParkHot Press relives all of the band’s epic tours from U23 and 11 O'Clock Tick Tock up through Zoo TV & PopMart all the way to Joshua Tree Tour 2017; gets the best backstage stories from Imelda May, Snow Patrol, Jerry Fish, Interpol and more of the big names who’ve toured with them; meet the super-fans who follow them around the world; and guide you through all their concert films.

Also starring in the special U2 Croke Park Souvenir Issue of Hot Press are Cillian Murphy who’s on the Oscar prowl with new film, Dunkirk; Royal Blood; Game Of Thrones; hit Irish indie film, Sanctuary; Minister for Employment & Social Protection, Regina Doherty, who pulls absolutely no political punches in the Hot Press interview and lots, lots more.


Collections: Non Harryfest, Other Magazines, U2

Condition: NEW

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